Golf Tournament Fundraiser: There is a golf tournament fundraiser happening August 6th at the Innisfail Golf Course to support two Innisfail figure skaters (Devan and Claira) who have been offered a spot on the nationally competitive synchronized skating team. The tournament starts at 1pm on August 6th and will be a nine-hole event with steak supper, prizes and more. For more information and registration forms, e-mail or call or text 403-605-7440.
For sale: 1995 Oldsmobile 98, black in colour, 150,000 kms on it/Small propane heater/Older hand saw 403-335-3896 Didsbury, AB
For sale: High-back Western saddle, 14-inch seat $150/Heavy Western saddle pad $25/Pair of size 9 cowboy boots $50 403-224-2796 Bowden, AB
For sale: 2005 Chevrolet Blazer $3500 403-604-2309 Carstairs, AB
For sale: Large dresser and hutch, lots of drawers $500/Yard sale: Today from 5 pm to 7 pm, tomorrow from 9 am to 2 pm, #28 Silver Lynx Park, Olds 403-556-5595 Olds, AB
For sale: Firewood, five or six truckloads worth $20 per truckload 403-638-4798 James River, AB
For sale: 12 by 20 portable shed $500 OBO/Fifth wheel, 17,000 lbs $200 403-559-8755 Sundre, AB
For sale: Nine bags of cedar mulch $20 for all OBO/Brand new Ram 3X golf bag $100 OBO 403-722-2127 Caroline, AB
For sale: Natural gas barbecue, four years old $100 OBO/21-foot telescopic aluminum multi-task leader $200 OBO 403-335-3433 Didsbury, AB
Looking for: 2000-2006 Ford Focus, under 200,000 kms on it/To Give Away: High-top rubbers 403-888-7064 Rumsey, AB
Garage sale: 1014, 1st Avenue NE, Sundre, Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm, Sunday from 10 am to 2 pm, Sundre, AB
For sale: Dehumidifier, older but works well, with hose adapter $75 OBO 403-396-7777 Innisfail, AB
For rent: Horse pasture $50 per horse per month 403-586-9449 Olds, AB
For sale: Refrigerator $450/Four tires on rims, 195-60R15 $65 each/Camper $450 587-444-0031 Sundre, AB
For sale: Wooden sheep panels 403-586-2224 Olds, AB
Looking for: Trailer rim and tire, 225-75R14, five-stud, three-inch centre hole by 4 1/4/For sale: Electric water heater dish for outdoor animals $30/Garage sale: Today, tomorrow and Sunday, corner of 23rd Street and 13th Avenue in Didsbury 587-574-7420 Didsbury, AB
For sale: Clean queen-sized bed $75/Hammond chord organ, nice wood finish, with bench $100/York weight bench, heavy duty and adjustable $50 403-638-6796 Westward Ho, AB
Moving sale: Today from 3 pm to 8 pm and tomorrow from 9 am to 3 pm, 11 Westhill Crescent, Didsbury, AB
Looking for: Mercury outboard motor, 135-200HP, 1980 to 1990 range, V6, running or not 403-559-8390 Olds, AB
For sale: Firewood, poplar-pine mix $80 per tote/Treadmill, open to offers/Elliptical trainer $800 403-540-7280 Olds, AB
Moving sale: Today from 12 pm to 7 pm, collectibles, household items, etc., 2153 25 Avenue, Didsbury/For sale: Arctic Fox fifth wheel, four-season RV 403-507-1682 Didsbury, AB
For sale: 40-foot MCI motor coach RV conversion project, raised roof $15,000/3×3 GMC, 1980 one-ton cab and chassis, 350, four-speed $1650 403-975-5990 NO LOCATION PROVIDED
For sale: Bullydog programmer with monitor, for a 6.7L Cummins diesel $800/454 big block Chevrolet engine, comes with a bunch of performance parts 587-282-8273 Big Valley, AB
For sale: High-moisture grass hay bales, wrapped/John Deere six-bottom plow 403-636-0292 Carstairs, AB
Garage sale: Today, tomorrow and Sunday, Keown Close, Olds 403-830-2832 Olds, AB
Looking for: Quad pull-behind weed-sprayer 403-556-9829 Olds, AB
Looking for: Huff80 wheel-loader/Gravel box, 12 to 14 feet long/Late 90’s Mack truck, CS250 or 300 series, running or for parts 403-396-8629 Raven, AB
For sale: One EZ-goal road hockey net, in very good condition $40 403-506-6022 Torrington, AB
For sale: Purebred German Shepherd puppies, have had first shots, dewormed, health checked, two females and three males available 403-337-3463 Carstairs, AB
For sale: Fifth wheel hitch, cross-box style $100 403-507-0479 Didsbury, AB
For sale: 2001 Toyota Rav, runs well $2400 OBO 403-636-0600 Sundre, AB
For sale: Antique Crown Treasure coal heater $5000 403-846-3237 Leslieville, AB
For sale: Pomeranian-Shitzu cross puppies, one male and one female 403-505-7935 Leslieville, AB
For sale: Two banquet tables $25 each 403-335-3563 NO LOCATION PROVIDED
For sale: 2006 John Deere 320 skid steer, 65HP, hand-foot controls, block heater $32,000 403-808-8728 Madden, AB
Looking for: 8.75R16.5 tires, in good condition/Transmission for a 1998 Ford Expedition/Six to eight laying hens, brown eggs preferred 403-519-4359 Caroline, AB
For sale: Older Ford skid steer 403-507-0287 Sundre, AB
For sale: Chicken coop, 63 by 48 by 60 403-994-2997 Olds, AB
For sale: Two fainting goats $200 each or $375 for the pair/14-inch Paul Taylor barrel racing saddle $3200 OBO or willing to trade for another quality barrel saddle 403-586-7505 Olds, AB
For sale: Costume jewelry/Looking for: Lawnmower/Someone to do weeding in a flowerbed 403-335-3726 Didsbury, AB
For sale: Set of four Polaris Razor tires and rims $450 OBO/2014 Polaris metal Razor doors $300 OBO 403-722-2443 NO LOCATION PROVIDED
Looking for: 20-30HP tractor with front loader 403-896-2734 NO LOCATION PROVIDED
For sale: 2001 Fleetwood Wilderness 26C holiday trailer $6500 403-877-7017 NO LOCATION PROVIDED
For sale: 2008 Ford one-ton diesel, dually, four door, 148,000 kms on it 403-638-7426 Westward Ho, AB
For sale: Wood $125 per pickup load 403-975-5990 Olds, AB
For sale: 2003 Volkswagen Passat, needs some mechanical work, body and interior or in excellent condition, 192,000 kms on it, 2.8L V6 motor, automatic transmission $1899 587-807-6564 Lacombe, AB TEXT ONLY
For sale: Variety of patio furniture $30 and up/Wooden queen-sized bed wall unit, lots of storage room and enclosed shelves, pop-out table tops, drawers and lights, includes queen-sized bed and metal frame, all in good condition $250 403-556-6097 Sundre, AB
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